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+34 675 39 17 30



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Who I AM

Graduated in Multimedia

From Barcelona, living in Amsterdam, 28 years old. Studied Multimedia at the ‘Centre de la Imatge i Tecnologia Multimèdia’ on UPC. My main fields are Design, Video Editing and Sound Design.

Worked as a Full Stack Web Developer for a digital certificate company. Living in Amsterdam where worked as a freelance Designer, Front-End Developer and Video Editor while at the same time working in self projects in Music production.



Software Knowladge

During my career, I acquired skills in different and particular Software Applications related to all the Multimedia Fields.

Adobe After Effects

Motion Graphics, Color Correction and Post-Production

Adobe Photoshop

Image Editing, Color Correction and Photography

Ableton Live

Audio Process, Music Composition and Production

Adobe Illustrator

Graphics, Logos, Posters and Designs

Cinema 4D

3D Animation, Modeling, Texturing and Advanced FX


Years of Experience

Carried nothing on am warrant towards. Polite in of in oh needed itself silent course. Assistance travelling so especially do prosperous appearance.

Graphic Design
0 .0
Video Editing
0 .0
Animation 3D
0 .0
Web Development
0 .5
Music Production
0 .5
0 .0
English 95%
Dutch 35%
Spanish 100%
Catalan 100%

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Two assure edward whence the was. Who worthy yet ten boy denote wonder.
Weeks views her sight old tears sorry.

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